Friday, May 22, 2020

Contraception Coverage - 1269 Words

People buy health insurance to cover their medical expenses because accidents and health problems can arise at any time. Many health services are not reaching the medical needs of women and giving them exactly what they need and people don’t realize that there is more to birth control then what it seems. There are a lot of benefits from birth control and it is not just women trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Some examples of these benefits include; healthier skin, stopping menstrual flow, and preventing pelvic inflammatory disease. Society needs to be more aware of these benefits so that these women start getting the medical attention that they need. Therefore, birth control should be 100% covered by all insurance companies.†¦show more content†¦What are the laws that are telling people they can’t or can have coverage for much needed prescriptions? Recently since President Barack Obama took office he implemented a new era of health care coverage. He feels that all people should have the right to affordable health care. â€Å"As a part of the Affordable Care Act, the federal government issued a rule that required health plans to cover contraception without a co pay† (â€Å"Challenges†). This created uproar across America that contraception would be covered when so many Americans don’t agree in contraception at all. According to insurance coverage for contraception laws, over 10.7 million women in America use a type of oral contraception (â€Å"Insurance†). In the state of Missouri as well as 25 other states contraception has been ruled on and coverage has varied from state to state. Missouri has a ruling that require insurance companies to offer some sort of coverage for contraception. The law excludes types of contraception to end a pregnancy, such as the morning after pill (â€Å"Insurance†). So each state has been dealing with their lawmakers to ensure state laws, however President Obama has m oved to make it a federal law. According to the new law set forth by President Obama the only institutions that do not have to follow the same guidelines are those affiliated with religious institutions and employ those people that are faith based (Corbin, Caroline M). It is unethicalShow MoreRelatedContraception Coverage Of The Affordable Health Care Act978 Words   |  4 Pages Contraception Coverage in the Affordable Health Care Act Angel N. Cawthon Kilgore College Author Note Not all of the following information came directly from me but will be cited for the research I have done. Abstract One of the biggest complaints in healthcare is the rising costs.2 In many articles, people complain the healthcare costs have increased significantly and feel that is a direct result of the Affordable Health Care Act. 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