Saturday, February 15, 2020

Several Medical Record Formats at the Healthy Facility Record Assignment

Several Medical Record Formats at the Healthy Facility Record - Assignment Example For instance, all agencies which are owned by the local government are supposed to keep a defined general retention and disposition schedule. The retention policy should give a guideline on how the records should be retained by all kinds of EMS services. All EMS agencies are supposed to have the policy which shall describe all the procedures which are in compliance with the retention of records required. The policy should also describe the time length needed to document the records. Additionally, the policy should have described well how the document will be stored, procedures for retrieving the stored document and how the records will be protected. The following are the physical/ technical measures which are used to secure HIM department; both internal and external departments should be taught the importance of computer security, one should ensure that all other staffs take seriously security he or she does, ensure that all the information in the system components are catalogued because there are no two medical practices which have the same information, one should be ready for the disaster even before it has struck this means there should be an alternative method of backing up all the information in the system. Lastly, one should ensure that all his or her communications and network safeguards are robust and intact. The following are the both physical and technical measures which should used to secure health records; there should be facility access controls such as alarms and locks, there should be proper policies in the workstation to make sure that there is proper access and use workstations, workstation security measures, such as computer privacy filters and cable locks, there should be a good plan on how to restore lost data. There several areas in HIM those are outsourced. These areas are; contractors and consultants, data technicians, and also programmers.  Ã‚  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Politics - Essay Example There needs to be clear understanding of whether it is national interest or core values that take precedence, which tends lack in idealist approach that tries to integrate both realism and idealism. Adopting idealist approach will enable the U.S. to take into account the uprising regional powers like India and china. One of the main features of the U.S. constitution that control the majority and protect the minority is separation of powers. It helps to preserve liberty while upholding order. Another feature is constitutional democracy, which limits the power of the majority in order to ensure the preservation of the rights minorities. However, the democratic aspect of the constitution is perhaps the most ineffective because it is the majority group that determines the course and nothing is in place to prevent them from infringing democratic rights and lives of the minority. National security is of utmost importance to any country. In cases of national security threats, every attempt to restore normalcy is takes charge. Fight on terrorism applies for all irrespective of one’s country of origin. However, the extermination of American citizens by their own government is quite creepy. The action infringes human rights. It violates the fundamental right to life, which the constitution